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College and Career Access

The College and Career Access Team (CCA) at PrepNext provides services that allow for DC Prep alums in 11th and 12th grade to explore and ultimately create a best-fit plan for their post-secondary endeavors to  be implemented upon graduation. With a focus on college and career access, the CCA team’s programming includes college application support, financial aid assistance, and career exploration.


The CCA team recognizes that junior and senior years of high school are a busy time for most students. We are committed to ensuring that students have the support they need to minimize stress through ongoing assistance from a PrepNext counselor. The CCA team is committed to meeting students where they are, no matter when they decide to seek out our services.

College Access

  • 1:1 College Application support

  • College List creation and exploration

  • Tailored essay/personal statement assistance

  • College visits – virtual and in-person

  • Financial Aid and Literacy guidance

  • Scholarship support via workshops and 1:1 meetings

  • College Access Workshops for Families

  • Family Decision Meetings



Career Exploration

  • Working with students to determine which career pathways align with their interests, strengths, and future aspirations

  • Providing information about various post-secondary pathways, including college and non-college

  • Resume, Cover Letter, and Job Search Skills

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Ms. Igwe

Associate Director of College and Career Access

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Ms. Wade

Associate of College and Career Access

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