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PrepNext College Support 

Book scholarship, College Visit Request, and More!

The Post-Secondary College Success Team is super excited to assist you on your college journey! On this page, you will discover a variety of resources provided by the Post-Secondary College Success team, tailored specifically for college-going alumni. Here, you can access valuable links to enhance your educational journey. One link directs you to our book scholarship program, designed to ease the financial burden of purchasing textbooks and supplies. We believe in empowering students with the necessary tools for success. Additionally, you will find a convenient link to our college visit requested form. This form allows you to express your interest in our team of counselors to come visit you at your different colleges to provide in person support. Visit these pages to access these beneficial resources today!

Book Scholarship

The PrepNext Book Scholarship assists DC Prep college-aged alumni with limited financial support (up to $250.00) to subsidize the costs of educational expenses while enrolled in post-secondary education. Students may apply for funds when they have exhausted all other resources. This funding is not intended to replace or supplement existing financial aid and does not have to be repaid.

Please note this application is due on, Friday, September 8, 2023. Please note that late and incomplete submissions will not be considered for review.

College Visit Request

Hello! Thank you for taking the time to complete this college visit request form. Please answer the questions to the best of your ability as they will help Ms. Boyd and Mr. Denney plan to support you as best as possible during the visit.

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